GCC TPR Social and Work in Progress
We invite you to register for the GCC TPR Works In Progress and networking event on Nov. 21, 2024, from 4:30-6:30 pm at the BioScience Research Collaborative Event Hall. Do not miss this […]
We invite you to register for the GCC TPR Works In Progress and networking event on Nov. 21, 2024, from 4:30-6:30 pm at the BioScience Research Collaborative Event Hall. Do not miss this […]
We invite all healthcare technology innovators, entrepreneurs, and biotech stakeholders to join us for the December 3 BioConnect, which will take place at Portal Innovations, 7255 Helix Park Avenue, Houston, TX […]
Presented by the GCC Innovative Drug Discovery and Development Consortia, the GCC Cancer Therapeutics Training Program (CTTP), and the GCC Innovative Drug Discovery and Development Scholars Program, we invite you to join […]
In conjunction with the 8th Annual Texas Medical Center Antimicrobial Resistance and Stewardship Conference, we are offering a pre-meeting workshop for trainees on Bacterial Genomics. Todd Treangen, Rice Univ., will present Strain-Level […]
Confirmed keynote presenters: David Andes, Univ. of Wisconsin; Susan Huang, Univ. of California, Irvine; Joseph Kuti, Hartford Hospital; Preeti Malani, Univ. of Michigan; and Suzanne Walker, Harvard Univ. Other confirmed presenters include: Tomefa Asempa, Center for Anti-Infective Research […]
Maternal & Child Health Education and Outreach
Hosted by JLABS@ TMC, we invite all healthcare technology innovators, entrepreneurs, and biotech stakeholders to join us for the December BioConnect networking series. BioConnect promotes collaboration among academic and industry innovators and key stakeholders within our growing […]
In-Person EventLocation: JD Walker Community Center, 7613 Wade Rd., Baytown, TX 77521
We invite you to register for our Feb. 21 #Pain2025 workshop featuring Rita Allen Scholars, Kara Marshall, Baylor College of Medicine, and Katelyn Sadler, Univ. of Texas, Dallas. The workshop will take place […]
This event is open to all healthcare technology innovators, entrepreneurs, and biotech stakeholders. BioConnect promotes collaboration among academic and industry innovators and key stakeholders within our growing biotech ecosystem. Each […]
Presented by the GCC Innovative Drug Discovery, the GCC Cancer Therapeutics Training Program (CTTP), and the GCC Innovative Drug Discovery and Development Scholars Program, we invite you to register for the March GCC IDDD Round […]
Keynote presenters: Anne-Marie Malfait, PhD, Rush Univ.; Jeffrey Mogil, PhD, FCAHS, FRSC, McGill Univ.; and Sarah E. Ross, PhD, Univ. of Pittsburgh.
TMCi is hosting this event for all healthcare technology innovators, entrepreneurs, and biotech stakeholders. BioConnect promotes collaboration among academic and industry innovators and key stakeholders within our growing biotech ecosystem. […]
Confirmed Keynote presenters: Kenneth Murphy, Washington Univ., and Carla Rothlin, Yale Univ. Other confirmed speakers include Juli Bai, Univ. of Texas Health Science Center Houston; Evelien Bunnik, Univ. of Texas San Antonio; Yusi Fu, Texas A&M […]
Awareness:- Speaker sessions on Health Disparities among African-American, Latino/Hispanic and LGBTQ population- Update on Clinical Research site at TSUAdvocacy:- Clinical Research Ethics- Beyond Tuskegee: A Community Conversation about Clinical ResearchAction:- […]
Confirmed Keynote presenters are Michelle Arkin, Univ. of California, San Francisco, and Miguel Hernán, Harvard Univ.