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Keck Seminar, Joan E. Nichols, PhD

Joan E. Nichols, PhD, Professor, Dept. Internal Medicine, UTMBBig or Small, Simple or Complex:How 3D Human Engineered TissueModels can be used to Study HumanTissue Responses

Keck Seminar, Jean Fan, PhD

Jean Fan, Assistant Professor,Dept. BiomedicalEngineering, John HopkinsUniversityComputational Methods forAnalyzing Spatially-resolved SinglecellTranscriptomics Data

Monthly Seminar Series on Antibiotic Resistance

Presented by CARMiG, Gulf Coast Consortia, and The ASM-TMC ChapterDr. Edward Septimus will present, "Sepsis 2020 from the Infectious Diseases Perspective".Conference held via Zoom

October 8: 1st Annual GCC Single Cell Omics Symposium

Bioscience Research Collaborative (BRC) 6500 Main Street, Auditorium, Houston, TX, United States

Confirmed Speakers: Stephen Quake, Orit Rosenblatt, Lukas Simon, Koichi Takahashi, Nick Navin, Navin Varadarajan, Courtney Hodges, Ruli GaoMore information can be found on the symposium website.

Keck Seminar, Ricardo Azevedo, PhD

Ricardo Azevedo, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Biology and Biochemistry, University of HoustonSex and The Origin of Species

Rigor and Reproducibility Workshop

1st place winner of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2017 Innovations in Research and Research Education Award, this exciting workshop brings together highly acclaimed experts in rigor and reproducibility […]

CMB Weekly Seminar

Our inaugural CMB Weekly Seminar will feature George Phillips from Rice University via Zoom. More information coming soon.

#Pain2020 Workshop, Neuroimmune Mechanisms in Pain

The 4th workshop in the #pain2020 series, focused on Neuroimmune Mechanisms in Pain, will take place on October 16, 1:00-2:00pm CDT. Attendees will have the opportunity to post questions directed to […]

Keck Seminar, Barbara Trautner, MD, PhD

Barbara Trautner, MD, PhD, Professor and Director, Clinical and Health Services ResearchImprecision Medicine: TheChallenges in Diagnosis, Treatment,and Antibiotic Stewardship for UTI

Hot Topics in Imaging

This series sponsored by the GCC Translational Imaging Cluster will feature Dr. Md. Abul Hassan Samee from Baylor College of Medicine who will present From Protein-DNA Binding to Spatial Transcriptomics: Machine Learning Models of Transcriptional […]

Keck Seminar, Elmer Bernstam, MD, MSE

Elmer Bernstam, MD, MSEProfessor, Biomedical Informatics and Internal Medicine and The Reynolds and Reynolds Professorship in Clinical InformaticsUT Health Science Center Houston

IDDD Round Table Workshop, Academic Industry Partnerships

This workshop will present opportunities for academic researchers to partner with two different industry partners. Speakers include Dr. Fiona Mack, Head of JLabs@TMC and Sushmita Lahiri, External Innovation, Boehringer Ingelheim. Stay […]

November #Pain2020 Workshop: Headache and Migraine

Headache and MigraineWelcome: Annemieke Kavelaars, PhD, MD Anderson Cancer CenterModerator: Cheryl Stucky, PhD, Medical College of Wisconsin 1:00pm The Role of HDAC6 and the Cytoskeleton in Chronic Migraine-associated PainZachariah Bertels, University of Illinois at […]

Keck Seminar, Nicholas Navin, PhD

Nicholas Navin, PhD, Associate Professor, Neurobiology & Anatomy, Dept. of Genetics, Division of Basic Science Research, UT MD Anderson Cancer CenterCancer Evolution Through the Lensof Single Cell Genomics

Keck Seminar, Keegan Korthauer, PhD

Keegan Korthauer, PhD, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Statistics, Univ. of British Columbia11 20 20 Keegan KorthauerMining the epigenome: computational tools to interpret DNA methylation data

Rigor & Reproducibility Workshop

1st place winner of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2017 Innovations in Research and Research Education Award, this exciting workshop brings together highly acclaimed experts in rigor and reproducibility […]

2nd Annual Cellular and Molecular Biophysics Conference

Confirmed speakers include Ilya Finkelstein, Univ. of Texas; Vasanthi Jayaraman, UT Health Science Center at Houston; Hong Wang, North Carolina State Univ.; David Baker, Univ. of Washington; Serena Nik-Zainal, Univ. […]

Single Cell Omics Panel Discussion

Sponsored by the GCC Single Cell Omics Cluster, the first discussion will take place from 2:00-3:00pm CST and will provide a brief introduction to single cell technologies and local core resources. […]

CMB Weekly Seminar

Travis Moore, UT Health Science Center Houston

IDDD Round Table Workshop: Computer-Aided Drug Discovery

We invite you to register for the first of our 2021 GCC IDDD Roundtable Workshops that will focus computer-aided drug discovery and will highlight the computational resources of our local TMC Accelerator for Cancer Therapeutics (ACT).  The workshop […]

4th Annual TMC Antimicrobial Resistance and Stewardship Conference

Confirmed speakers include Robert Bonomo, Case Western; Robert Britton, BCM; Henry Chambers, UCSF; Anrea Cruz, BCM; Scott Flanders, Univ. of Michigan; Vance Fowler, Duke; Danielle Garsin, UTHealth; Tom Giordano BCM; Matt Goetz, UCLA/VA; Blake Hanson, UTHealth; Lee Harrison, Univ. of Pittsburgh; Robert Jenq, MD Anderson; Anthony Maresso, BCM; William […]

Neuronex Workshop

Agenda:10 - 11 Fabio Anselmi11 - 12 Bobby Kashturi12 - 1 break1 - 2 Daniela Witten2 -3 Jonathan Cohen

18th Annual Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience Conference

Confirmed speakers include Fabio Anselmi, Baylor College of Medicine; Cameron Buckner, Univ. of Houston; Jonathan Cohen, Princeton Univ.; Chong Xie, Rice Univ.; Daniella Witten, Univ. of Washington; Claudia Clopath, Imperial College London; and Bobby Kasthuri, Univ. of […]

GCC Mental Health Monthly Seminar

Matters of the Heart: Contributions of Psychoneuroimmunology to Spousal BereavementChris Fagundes, Rice University

Keck Seminar, Wenyi Wang, PhD

Tumor cell total mRNA expression shapes the molecular and clinical phenotype of cancerWenyi Wang, PhDProfessor, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer CenterLink to register for […]

CANCELLED: Hot Topics in Imaging Seminar Series

Due to power outages, the GCC Hot Topics in Imaging Seminar originally scheduled for February 17, has been postponed.This series is sponsored by the GCC Translational Imaging Cluster. Check back each month for […]

POSTPONED: Keck Seminar, M. Neal Waxham, PhD

*Due to blackouts, Dr. Waxham's talk will be rescheduled*M. Neal Waxham, PhDWilliam M. Wheless III, Professor In Biomedical Sciences, Professor, Neurobiology & Anatomy, UT Health Science Center at HoustonCryo-EM as […]

Keck Seminar, George Golovko, PhD

George Golovko, PhDAssistant professor, Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, The Sealy Center for Structural Biology & Molecular Biophysics (SCSMB), University of Texas Medical Branch at GalvestonLink to register for this […]

CMB Weekly Seminar

Nirakar Sahoo, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Keck Seminar, Matthieu G. Gagnon, PhD

Matthieu G. Gagnon, PhDAssistant Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology, The University of Texas Medical Branch at GalvestonCryo-EM structures of ribosome complexes reveal new insights into bacterial translation initiationLink to […]

Keck Seminar, Katherine Paige Lemon, MD, PhD

Katherine Paige Lemon, MD, PhDAssociate Professor, Pediatric-Infectious Diseases, Molecular Virology and Microbiology, Baylor College of MedicinePicking sides: competition and cooperation in human nasal microbiotaLink to register for this talk:

Keck Seminar, Junghae Suh, PhD

From Academia to the Deep End of Industrial Drug Discovery ResearchJunghae Suh, PhDVice President, Gene Therapy Accelerator Unit, Biogen Inc.Link to register for this talk: here to download flyer

Keck Seminar, Robert Tillman, PhD

Robert Tillman, PhDFaculty Development Specialist National Research Mentoring Network Master FacilitatorLinkedIn: Where Your Network WorksLink to register for this talk:  Click here to download flyer

Keck Seminar, Greg Cuny, PhD

Designing RIPK2 kinase inhibitors for blocking NOD cell signalingGreg Cuny, PhDAssociate Professor, Medicinal Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, University of HoustonLink to register for this talk: here to download flyer

Future of Immunology Conference

Confirmed speakers include Dario Vignali, Univ. of Pittsburgh; Linda Saif, The Ohio State Univ.; Bali Pulendran, Stanford Univ.

Keck Seminar, Margie Moczygemba, PhD

Margie Moczygemba, PhDAssociate Professor, Center for Infectious and Inflammatory Diseases, IBT, Texas A&M UniversityAutomated high-throughput flow cytometry-based assays for cancer drug discoveryLink to register for the talk: 

2nd Annual Innovative Drug Discovery and Development Conference

Bioscience Research Collaborative (BRC) 6500 Main Street, Auditorium, Houston, TX, United States

Please save the date for this exciting conference and stay tuned for speaker updates.  James Inglese, NIH/NCATS is confirmed.More information can be found on the conference website.

May #Pain2021 Workshop

Genetics of PainWelcome: Peter Grace, PhD, MD Anderson Cancer CenterModerator: Kyle Baumbauer, PhD, University of Kansas Medical Center 1:00pm Genomic Instability and Host-microbiome Interactions in the Bowel: Implications for Pain and […]

Rigor and Reproducibility Workshop

1st place winner of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2017 Innovations in Research and Research Education Award, this exciting workshop brings together highly acclaimed experts in rigor and reproducibility […]

GCC Mental Health Research Junior Faculty Seminar

Bryan Denny, Rice Univ., will present Examining the Efficacy and Mechanisms of Emotion Regulation Training: Behavioral, Linguistic, and Neural Evidence and Douglas Engelke, Univ. of Texas Health Science Center Houston, will present A Hypothalamic-thalamostriatal […]

June #Pain 2021 Workshop

Genetic Interrogation of Spinal Cord CircuitsWelcome: Peter Grace, PhD, MD Anderson Cancer CenterModerator: Helen Lai, PhD, University of Texas Southwestern1:00pm Wired for Touch: The Role of Social Touch in Pain ModulationVictoria […]

#Pain2021 July Seminar- Pain Neuroimaging

1:00pm Using Functional MRI to Study Brain Mechanisms Underlying Sex and Age Differences in an Animal Model of Chronic Osteoarthritis PainJoyce Da Silva, University of Maryland Baltimore1:15 pm Brain Reward […]

Keck Seminar, Jane Grande-Allen, PhD

Jane Grande-Allen, PhDProfessor, Bioengineering, Rice UniversityBiophysically Faithful Biomaterial Platforms for Cardiovascular and Intestinal Mechanobiology

September #Pain2021 Workshop

 Pain in Clinical PopulationsModerator: Stacey Gorniak, PhD, Univ. of HoustonWelcome: Peter Grace, PhD, MD Anderson Cancer Center1:00pm Cognition, Expectations, and Risk for Chronic PainSimon Haroutounian, Washington Univ.1:15pm Approaches for Classification […]

Keck Seminar, Neal Waxham, PhD

Neal Waxham, PhDProfessor, Neurobiology & Anatomy, UT Health Science Center at HoustonCryo-EM As A Tool to Investigate Membrane Architecture At the Nanoscale

AI in Healthcare Panel Discussion

Training Clinicians to Use Artificial IntelligencePanelists:Andrew Bazemore, MD, MPH: Senior Vice President, Research & Policy, American Board of Family Medicine; Co-Director, Center for Professionalism & Value in Health CareSteven Lin, […]

AI in Healthcare Seminar

Bibb Allen, MD FACRChief Medical Officer ACR Data Science InstituteDiagnostic RadiologistDr. Allen is a diagnostic radiologist with the Birmingham Radiological Group and is in community practice at Grandview Medical Center […]

2nd Annual GCC Single Cell Omics Symposium

Featuring keynote speakers: Nir Yosef, Univ. of California Berkeley and Matt Spitzer, Univ. of California San Francisco/Teiko Bio. Other confirmed speakers: Rui Chen, Baylor College of Medicine; Andrew Futreal, MD Anderson Cancer Center; Shaoheng Liang, MD […]

Keck Seminar, Bradley McConnell, PhD, FAHA, FCVS

Bradley McConnell, PhD, FAHA, FCVSProfessor, Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of HoustonToward Understanding Heart Disease: Cardiac Signaling Mechanisms, Reprogrammed Cardiac Conduction Cells, and the UH-HEART Training Program

Mental Health Postdoc Seminar

nvestigating the Role of GFRAL in Cancer-related FatigueBrandon Chelette, PhDMD Anderson Cancer CenterIntersecting Alterations of GSK3 Inhibition and Neuronal Cytoskeleton Proteins in Neurons from Patients with SchizophreniaJessica Di Re, PhDUT […]

Neurotheory Journal Club

Lili Zheng will present on topic: “Statistical Connectomics”We are also calling for volunteers to present in future journal clubs. If you are interested, please feel free to sign up with this link: the meetings […]

October #Pain2021 Workshop

Musculoskeletal PainWelcome:  Peter Grace, PhD, MD Anderson Cancer CenterModerator: Jun-Ho La, PhD, Univ. of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston1:00pm  Risk Factors for the Development of Pain in Children   Chelsea Kaplan, […]

Keck Seminar, Carmen Dessauer, PhD

Carmen Dessauer, PhDProfessor and Vice-Chair, Integrative Biology and Pharmacology, McGovern Medical School, UT Health Science Center at HoustonNanometric Targeting and Function of Adenylyl Cyclase in Heart

Keck Center Annual Research Conference

Keck Center Annual Research ConferenceSee website for talk titles and agendaTheme: Infectious Diseases: Emerging Threats and Emerging TechnologiesChairs: Theresa Koehler, PhD, Professor and Chair, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, McGovern Medical […]

Keck Seminar, Kathryn Patras, PhD

Kathryn Patras, PhDAssistant Professor, Molecular Virology and Microbiology, Baylor College of MedicineGroup B Streptococcus and the Vaginal Microenvironment

Keck Seminar, Andrew Routh, PhD

Andrew L. Routh, PhDAssistant Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Sealy Center for Structural Biology & Molecular Biophysics, UT Medical Branch at GalvestonRNA Recombination in SARS-CoV-2

Neurotheory Journal Club

Krešo Josić and Mst Afroja Akter will present on "The interplay between randomness and structure during learning in RNNs"We are also calling for volunteers to present in future journal clubs. If you are […]

Keck Seminar, Dima Suki, PhD

Dima Suki, PhDProfessor, Neurosurgery, UT MD Anderson Cancer CenterEthical Considerations in Research