GCC Shared Core Facilities

Home GCC Shared Core Facilities

Highlighted Core of the Month

Center for Research Computing
Rice University

The Center for Research Computing (CRC) works to meet Rice community members’ research needs with specialized computing resources and services. We maintain shared research computing infrastructure on campus as well as relationships with off-campus organizations and vendors and facilitate the optimal use of these resources through consultation and direct partnership.

Through the CRC, Rice researchers have access to a wide array of scalable computing resources: on- and off-campus cloud computing and storage, traditional supercomputing resources on Rice’s cluster and national networks, specialized infrastructure for the fast transfer of large datasets, and secure virtual research environments.

The CRC assists researchers in planning their use of research computing resources and executing on their plans. We consult on grants, support the use and optimization of specialized software and systems, partner on and incubate projects, and run public and custom workshops on research computing topics such as parallelization, virtualization, and cloud migration.

When your project has outgrown your desktop PC, the CRC helps you keep growing. More information can be found on the core website.

Looking for a particular piece of equipment?

Did you know that the GCC has a Shared Equipment and Resource Committee (SERC) composed of the Directors/Leaders in equipment inventory and acquisition from each of the GCC institutions?  If you are looking for a particular piece of equipment, please email Suzanne Tomlinson, and the committee members will work together to try to locate it and introduce you to the PI who owns/administers it.

GCC Shared Equipment and Cores

Shared core facilities are an important benefit to members of the GCC research community.

GCC has acquired major equipment for shared use, available to Texas Medical Center researchers, thanks to the generosity, commitment and vision of philanthropic donors such as the John S. Dunn Foundation. Additionally, GCC member institutions have each designated shared core facilities within their own institutions (via a GCC inter-institutional memorandum of understanding), providing a large array of equipment available to GCC researchers at internal rates.

These leveraged shared resources enhance collaborative research, training and grant proposals and provide increased opportunities for inter-institutional cooperation and growth. (Photos welcome!) Please contact Suzanne Tomlinson, PhD, Director, GCC Research Consortia, at smtomlin@rice.edu for more information.

Looking for a particular piece of equipment?
Did you know that the GCC has a Shared Equipment and Resource Committee (SERC) composed of the Directors/Leaders in equipment inventory and acquisition from each of the GCC institutions? If you are looking for a particular piece of equipment, please email Suzanne Tomlinson (smtomlin@rice.edu), and the committee members will work together to try to locate it and introduce you to the PI who owns/administers it.

GCC Member Institution Designated Shared Core Facilities